Title: Future-san's Request Pairing: OhgoJima Genre: Crack, Fluff Author: macymacymacy AN: -UNBETAed, random, and just LOL. -A fic based on Hey! Say! 7's radio show.
Title: How To Fall Asleep Pairing: Inoo x Yabu (Gen) Genre: Crack, Fluff Author: macymacymacy Rating: G Summary: Inoo just can't sleep!!! AN: -rushed, random, fail? -first post this year is an InooBu fic! this is for Luna (dreamweavernyx ), just because. xD
Title: Horikoshi on LiveJournal Pairing: All Horikoshi pairing you can think of. Author: macymacymacy Rating: G AN: -basically these are made up livejournal accounts
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